About Kevin
Contact Information
Kevin's Background
I'm a 90s kid who has lived in Belgium most of my life. I remember playing Paper Boy on the Commodore 64 when I was a kid, and gaming has always been a part of my life. Aside from being glued to a screen, I've spent too much time playing with Legos and loved football.
I never thought I would be a programmer or understand how the games I liked to play were made. As part of a robotics class in Ghent, I learned how to program. Later on, I picked up the skills to build web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, and Node.js.
Over a span of 5y I've created websites and web apps for companies like Freebility, Famoco and Epic Games. Nowadays, I'm a self-employed consultant from Finland because I still like to work with web technologies, but I wanted more freedom to reach my personal goals. I'm trying to improve my creative side by learning three.js and WebGL. Eventually I want to make games with C/C++ and OpenGL (maybe Vulkan by then).